Global Warming

Sunday, October 6, 1991
| Genesis 2:18-24

An original twist is given the phrase "global warming," as the climate-altering effects of thinking "we" over "me" would bring healthy and health-giving atmospheric changes to people who are freezing to death in our well-heated churches and warmed-up planet.

The Bible is a book about relationships; the relationship between God and creation, heavenly beings and human beings, humanity and nature, men and women, husbands and wives, and adults and children are all discussed in this week's texts. The essence of the gospel is relationship, for it is the love of God made flesh which makes possible the fulfillment of all other relationships.

Special relationships have been the hallmark of God's dealings with humanity. The unique gift of divine breath at creation bound God to humans and made them "little lower than the angels." God chose to enter into relationship with a particular people - the Hebrews - joining them together with an everlasting covenant. But God was dissatisfied with the limitations of this covenant and took radical steps to enlarge its scope. Thus, the whole of humanity was adopted into the covenant through Christ's incarnation and his gift of life.

Study after psychological study has demonstrated that relationships are...

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