Will Wonders Never Cease?

Will Wonders Never Cease?

Sunday, January 19, 2025
| John 2:1-11

It’s easy to be dazzled by the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine. But John shows us the real meaning of what he sees as a “sign.”

“Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” Let’s add one more item to that list of essential wedding ingredients: “Something to go wrong.” You could call it “Murphy’s Law: the wedding corollary.”

It’s not a bad thing to mention to brides and grooms during premarital counseling. There they are, feeling nervous that everything may not go according to plan at their wedding. “Don’t worry,” you can assure them, “it won’t go according to plan.” There is always something (or someone) forgotten, neglected, backwards or late. There is always a slip-up, mishap or stumbling over words, stairs or long dresses.

“Don’t worry,” you can tell them, “something will go wrong — and it will very likely become the centerpiece of your favorite wedding story years from now!”


A Wedding Story from Cana

At the marriage at Cana, something went quite...

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